Become a volunteer and a mentee for our Chapter

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We are looking for volunteers to help the chapter in its various missions. As a volunteer, in exchange for your commitment, IIBA Geneva offers you support through a mentoring program. The collaboration between a senior business analyst and a junior business analyst allows:

  • Share knowledge in business analysis
  • Support in professional challenges
  • Develop a career plan
  • Introduce into a network of professionals

The conditions of the mentoring program:

  • Mentee: be a member of IIBA International and IIBA Geneva and participate as a volunteer in the IIBA Geneva board
  • Mentor: CBAP Senior Business Analyst, member of the IIBA Geneva board
  • Duration: over a minimum period of six months, the mentee receives two hours of mentoring per month, in exchange for her/his participation in the board’s tasks, the duration of which is defined according to the tasks assigned.

If you are an IIBA® CBPA and IIBA® CCBA certified, participation as a volunteer allows you to earn CDU points that are required to extend the duration of your certification (see further explanation on this page).

Do not hesitate to contact us: